South Sudan's Renewable Energy Potential: A Building Block for Peace

On January 4, 2018 the United States Institute of Peace published a new report by EPP's David Mozersky and Advisory Board Chair Dr. Dan Kammen - South Sudan's Renewable Energy Potential: A Building Block for Peace

The world’s newest country, South Sudan, is also the least electrified. A period of growth that began after a 2005 peace deal and continued after independence in 2011, saw billions of dollars in oil revenue and strong international support. This period was powered by diesel generators and little long-term electricity infrastructure was created. A new civil war that began in late 2013 has stymied all growth and led to economic collapse, triggering a massive multibillion-dollar international humanitarian response. Switching from diesel to renewable energy in these operations could unlock a host of benefits, both near-term and longer-term. This report argues for a donor-led transition to renewable energy to power humanitarian efforts across South Sudan and offers recommendations on how to achieve it.